Payment terminal in the Cloud – the latest option for easy payment.


We all know the concept of working in the “Cloud”. It is impossible to imagine our current society without it. Due to the great advantages, a payment terminal is now also available in the Cloud. Seijsener Rekreatietechniek has the payment terminal, Involtum the software and the customers are very happy with it.

“It is a great combination of two companies enhancing each other’s strengths. We complement each other well, combining hardware with IoT activation and payment solutions. That is how new opportunities and business models are created. Such as payment terminals integrated with the software of ”, Says Bas Durieux, director of Seijsener Rekreatietechniek *.

Pay from your smartphone, iPad or laptop

“Something that started with activating and billing electricity, water and stay through the software of, now continues with providing a payment method for this through our new payment terminals in the cloud. We have worked hard to connect our payment system to the cloud platform of Before this officially comes onto the market, it is already in use in a some places in the Netherlands, such as at Camperplaats Nederland at the Maastricht location. We are also working on the realisation of cloud solutions for ports. Everything is combined into one back-end transaction platform. Payment and activation of electricity, water and stay, but also access control and mooring fee payment terminals are connected to the same system. Soon the harbour master will also be able to take payments directly from the skipper using a mobile payment device. You no longer have to leave the ship to pay at the payment terminal. Everything is handled by one single transaction platform.”

More info?

See more about Seijsener Rekreatietechniek at and discover more about the software at or call +31 85 201 2781.

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